Obviously you can probably tell what im going to talk about. Im going to talk about that freak that in her music video teaches us the days of the week! YAY!! "yesterday was thursday, thursday, today it is friday,friday, Tomorrow is saturday and sunday comes afterwards." WAIT she forgot monday, tuesday, and Wednesday, and thank god she did because i dont want to here tht loser sing about what shes going to on those days. its already painful to hear her singing about thursday, friday, saturday, and sunday. So the music video starts off with her hair looking like bugs had a party in it at night. Then she has to go get her bowl and have cereal when her family is running around waiting on her to finish up her stupid cereal. But wait then she has to go catch the bus! but apparently her "bus ride" is her friends and their telling her "come in the car!" Instead of going into the car she sings about what seat shes going to sit in when obviously theirs only one seat left in the back. But nooo she thinks shes so amazing that she can tell the other person in the front to get out bcuz she wants to sit their. And these kids are only 14 are u even allowed to drive at tht age? NO. So she finally decides to take the only seat and sings about how its Friday and their going to get down on Friday.Then apparently her school got out and their in this car going to some party and she gets to the annoying chorus but then she says "My friend is by my right aid" so if ur friend is to ur right WHOS THE GIRL ON THE LEFT?!! is it just some random person you bailed out of jail bcuz u didnt want to be a loner at the party? Then she gets out of the car and what shes wearing is ugly, her make up is terrible, and where is she?!?! It looks like some sort of parking lot thing. Then she sings some more in front of this crowd and then this random african american dude starts rapping! like where did he come from?! Did rebecca bail him out to look like she has more friends? I mean Rebecca i know ur desperate BUT A 50 YR OLD MAN?! I bet that chineese woman could do better than that!

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