Because i really want to see this old woman's graduation, especially when im checking my email. And second of all WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL?!?! now i get the whole i want to be successful but your life is half over when your 52! Seriously the only thing you look forward to is death! Who knows maybe old people go and have meetings with their other old friends and talk about how they want to die! "Oh yea Billy, i think having a lion have me dinner is how i want to end my life!" "Nah i think im just going to have someone stuff really spicy salsa down my throat!" Yanno maybe old people have crazier minds than us teens! and by the looks of this Chinese woman she looks older than 52. She looks like 102 if you ask me! Huh? What do you guys think 102? OR 100,000,002?!?!?!?! yea im going to have to go with that! AND WHY THE HELL IS SHE DOING THE PEACE SIGN?!?! Is she trying to tell other freaks that if you go back to school then your life is going to automatically turn into paradise? no its not. Actually i think going to school made me hate more people than i ever thot i would. Still, laskdjfl;dksajf;alsdkjf. school. alskdjflaksdjfl;askdjf;lasdjaf;lskdj